
medium plate

239 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 239 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 239 products
Sabi Kairagi 6 inch rim pot [Hyozan kiln]Sabi Kairagi 6 inch rim pot [Hyozan kiln]
Color matte oval plate S black [Takuya Ohara]Color matte oval plate S black [Takuya Ohara]
Somenishiki 7 inch deep plate [Nakagaki Renji]Somenishiki 7 inch deep plate [Nakagaki Renji]
Play plate medium [Mitsuhiro Hara]Play plate medium [Mitsuhiro Hara]
Vine arabesque wreath plate [Tokushichigama]Vine arabesque wreath plate [Tokushichigama]
Vine arabesque rim plate large [Tokushichigama]Vine arabesque rim plate large [Tokushichigama]
Ichichin Satsuki crest rim plate [Tokushichigama]Ichichin Satsuki crest rim plate [Tokushichigama]
Rabbit plate red [Tokushichigama]Rabbit plate red [Tokushichigama]
Gray navy blue 5-inch plate [Bunzan Kanae]Gray navy blue 5-inch plate [Bunzan Kanae]

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