
Katsuro Yokota

6 products

Showing 1 - 6 of 6 products

Showing 1 - 6 of 6 products
Small plate peony arabesque [Katsuro Yokota]Small plate peony arabesque [Katsuro Yokota]
安南花雲 醤油差し【横田勝郎ex24】安南花雲 醤油差し【横田勝郎ex24】
Chatsukibuchi thunder crest [Katsuro Yokota]Chatsukibuchi thunder crest [Katsuro Yokota]
Fuyōte with tea [Katsuro Yokota]Fuyōte with tea [Katsuro Yokota]
Flower pattern with tea [Katsuro Yokota]Flower pattern with tea [Katsuro Yokota]
Mame-sara Fuyote [Katsuro Yokota]Mame-sara Fuyote [Katsuro Yokota]

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