
Shiga Prefecture (Shigaraki)

318 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 318 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 318 products
Color matte rim plate black [Takuya Ohara]Color matte rim plate black [Takuya Ohara]
Cherry small plate [Iwaobo]Cherry small plate [Iwaobo]
Color matte oval plate S black [Takuya Ohara]Color matte oval plate S black [Takuya Ohara]
White teacup [Seisaku Kusaka/Mari]White teacup [Seisaku Kusaka/Mari]
Color matte rim plate white [Takuya Ohara]Color matte rim plate white [Takuya Ohara]
Painted makeup mug green [Takuya Ohara]
Black smoked pot [Yamamoto Taizo_23ex]Black smoked pot [Yamamoto Taizo_23ex]
Cherry rice bowl [Iwaobo]Cherry rice bowl [Iwaobo]
Painted makeup mug gray [Takuya Ohara]Painted makeup mug gray [Takuya Ohara]
Kiln Henmaru Sake [Tasashi Tomita]Kiln Henmaru Sake [Tasashi Tomita]
Small iron rice bowl [Seiji Okuda]Small iron rice bowl [Seiji Okuda]
Gray-blue beveled mug [Yamamoto Taizo_23ex]Gray-blue beveled mug [Yamamoto Taizo_23ex]
Color matte oval plate L white [Takuya Ohara]Color matte oval plate L white [Takuya Ohara]
Color matte mug white [Takuya Ohara]Color matte mug white [Takuya Ohara]
Painted makeup mug blue [Takuya Ohara]
鼠灰釉丼 大【奥田誠二】鼠灰釉丼 大【奥田誠二】
リム 大【山本雅則ex24】リム 大【山本雅則ex24】
HB rice bowl large brown [Masaki Domoto]HB rice bowl large brown [Masaki Domoto]
Ash glaze oval shallow bowl [Nobuyuki Murai]Ash glaze oval shallow bowl [Nobuyuki Murai]
Inner powder mug [mine pottery]Inner powder mug [mine pottery]

Recently seen utensils
